Cordia Blackswan
Node undertook heritage, townscape and visual impact assessment for a proposed 50 storey building with associated public realm and landscaping in south, central Birmingham.
The scheme required careful consideration of many heritage and townscape sensitivities, including the proposed demolition of a non-designated heritage asset, and potential visibility with numerous views across the city centre.
Node provided detailed professional support, including historic building recording, townscape assessment, and visual appraisal supported by Zones of Theoretical Visibility and 3D modelling.
Node delivered a robust townscape, heritage and visual impact (HTVIA) report in support of the planning application, and a detailed building recording of the heritage assets within the site.
Throughout the assessment the team liaised with Birmingham City Council and other stakeholders as mediator between the development team and decision makers.
Node delivered a robust townscape, heritage and visual impact (HTVIA) report in support of the planning application, and a detailed building recording of the heritage assets within the site.
Throughout the assessment the team liaised with Birmingham City Council and other stakeholders as mediator between the development team and decision makers.