Mulberry Land: a strategic land company, promoting land for residential, commercial and mixed use schemes
Node were commissioned by Mulberry Land to provide urban design, masterplanning and landscape visual impact services, to support the outline planning application for the development of up to 70 dwellings and a new mixed-use ‘retreat’ facility on the unallocated greenfield site on the northern extent of Northampton.
Node undertook a comprehensive site and contextual analysis, including a detailed character assessment to understand the distinctive features of the local built form as well as the landscape characters of the site. This analysis, together with a recognition of the site’s opportunities, allowed Node to develop a number of spatial design principles that creates a framework for the future development proposals.
Node developed a 70 dwelling scheme that aims to reinforce the distinctive local character of Northampton. The proposals sought to utilise the site’s location to link the existing urban areas with isolated public footpaths to enhance the accessibility to the open countryside, providing lunch-time recreational activities for workforce at the adjacent Moulton Business Park. Further to this, the street layout has been arranged to frame existing long distance views of the grade II* listed Holly Lodge to the north east of the site.
Node submitted an illustrative layout, parameter plan, design and access statement, and landscape visual impact assessment to support the outline planning application. The application is currently awaiting determination.
Node developed a 70 dwelling scheme that aims to reinforce the distinctive local character of Northampton. The proposals sought to utilise the site’s location to link the existing urban areas with isolated public footpaths to enhance the accessibility to the open countryside, providing lunch-time recreational activities for workforce at the adjacent Moulton Business Park. Further to this, the street layout has been arranged to frame existing long distance views of the grade II* listed Holly Lodge to the north east of the site.
Node submitted an illustrative layout, parameter plan, design and access statement, and landscape visual impact assessment to support the outline planning application. The application is currently awaiting determination.