Cherwell District Council – Bicester was awarded Garden Town status in 2014
We worked with JMP and CBRE to provide urban design, heritage, landscape design and financial appraisal/viability services for this exciting town centre and town wide project. The design team is working collaboratively with the local authority, Cherwell District Council, together with a wide range of stakeholder groups and the wider community to determine a vibrant and successful future for the growing Oxfordshire town.
The masterplan project is still ongoing, but our outputs so far have included a strategic plan for the integration of proposed development sites in the wider town through movement corridors and green infrastructure, to create a framework for connecting Bicester’s existing communities and the substantial areas of new development that are proposed for the town, together with creating a transformational and deliverable new vision for the town centre, which together achieve the principles of the government’s ‘healthy new town’ and ‘garden town’ initiatives, which Bicester has received funding towards.
We have created exciting proposals for new development and public realm enhancements for the town centre which are informed by a range of empirical studies, including retail assessment and a car parking strategy. This has ensured that the proposed development meets the existing and projected needs of a changing town.
The masterplan project is still ongoing, but our outputs so far have included a strategic plan for the integration of proposed development sites in the wider town through movement corridors and green infrastructure, to create a framework for connecting Bicester’s existing communities and the substantial areas of new development that are proposed for the town, together with creating a transformational and deliverable new vision for the town centre, which together achieve the principles of the government’s ‘healthy new town’ and ‘garden town’ initiatives, which Bicester has received funding towards.
We have created exciting proposals for new development and public realm enhancements for the town centre which are informed by a range of empirical studies, including retail assessment and a car parking strategy. This has ensured that the proposed development meets the existing and projected needs of a changing town.